This page gives an overview of how to access the Ordin Backoffice and Store Display.

Ordin access

Ordin Backoffice

You can gain access to Ordin in a number of ways.

User roles

Ordin has a simple access level structure based on user roles. Depending on the role of your user, you’ll have access to different Ordin features.

  1. Organisation Admin. This role gives you access to all settings within your organisation. Logging with this account will send you to the Organisation Page.
  2. Store Admin. This role gives you access to all store level settings to the store to which you are assigned. Logging with this account will send you to the Store Display.
  3. Store Display. This role allows you to use the Store Display. Logging with this account will send you to the Store Display.

Organisation Page

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 12.40.56 2.png

Store Display

Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 16.42.16.png


Login via the ExtendaGO backoffice